Ballroom dance with live music

Dancing couples, breathtaking evening gowns and the right live music - there is a hint of magic and nostalgia in the air. We look forward to every ball where, in addition to our party sound, we can also lead the guests to the dance floor with standard dances. All styles are performed without playbacks or electronic help with musical authenticity in mind. This is how Deean & Band maintain spontaneity and vitality of such an event.

Our live music enriched already established balls such as the Polyball Zurich, various officer balls, including several times the officers' ball in the Dolder Zurich and also made federal councilors dance in the Bellevue Palace Bern.


Ballroom dance with live music

Dancing couples, breathtaking evening gowns and the right live music - there is a hint of magic and nostalgia in the air. We look forward to every ball where, in addition to our party sound, we can also lead the guests to the dance floor with standard dances. All styles are performed without playbacks or electronic help with musical authenticity in mind. This is how Deean & Band maintain spontaneity and vitality of such an event.

Our live music enriched already established balls such as the Polyball Zurich, various officer balls, including several times the officers' ball in the Dolder Zurich and also made federal councilors dance in the Bellevue Palace Bern.