Liveband DEEAN - The Swiss Partyband
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wedding party
wedding ceremony
company event
birthday party
ball & dance
Deean Special - Repertoireliste
Trio- Repertoireliste
Quartett - Repertoireliste
Quartett Deluxe - Repertoireliste
DEEAN - Musicband Coverband Switzerland
Deean & Band inspire at large events, but also make smaller events (from 20 people) unforgettable. We adjust our volume to the respective wishes and circumstances.
Over 1000 successfully played events
Great experience in the field of weddings & wedding ceremonies, birthday parties, company events, ball & dance events etc.
Versatile repertoire: Top 40, Pop & Rock, Disco, Funk & Blues, Club, Chill Out, Foxtrott, Rock'n Roll, Twist, Walzer, Cha Cha Cha, Tango, Rumba, Salsa, Schlager, Neue Deutsche Welle
All instruments are played live, we do not use playbacks, computers or sequencer
Songs in English, German, CH German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
Current repertoire with current tunes (2023) and songs from the last 100 years of music history
Various awards, including "Best Live Band Switzerland" and "Prix Walo Finale"
The same band members for 15 years

From 2024 Deean & Band will present the new show of superlatives. Live music, dance and animation, all under the sign of the Police Force, will catapult your event into an unprecedented dimension.
Partypolice on duty: The first impressions of 2024

More information at: partypolice

Dini Waelt


10 days

10 weeks
After four albums, Deean is planning his fifth album with original compositions and concerts for the year 2025. Deean's songs reached the Swiss charts, received airplay and were internationally awarded.
Audio samples of Deean's original compositions: listen to Deean's music
Liveband DEEAN - The Swiss Partyband
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Seite auf Deutsch besuchen
DEEAN Coverband
Deean & Band inspire at large events, but also make smaller events (from 20 people) unforgettable. We adjust our volume to the respective wishes and circumstances.

birthday party with 30 guests

wedding party with 80 guests

ball & dancewith 300 guests

company event with 2000 guests
Over 1000 successfully played events
Great experience in the field of weddings & wedding ceremonies, birthday parties, company events, ball & dance events etc.
Versatile repertoire: Top 40, Pop & Rock, Disco, Funk & Blues, Club, Chill Out, Foxtrott, Rock'n Roll, Twist, Walzer, Cha Cha Cha, Tango, Rumba, Salsa, Schlager, Neue Deutsche Welle
All instruments are played live, we do not use playbacks, computers or sequencer
Songs in English, German, CH German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
Current repertoire with current tunes (2019) and songs from the last 100 years of music history
Various awards, including "Best Live Band Switzerland" and "Prix Walo Finale"
The same band members for 15 years

From 2024 Deean & Band will present the new show of superlatives. Live music, dance and animation, all under the sign of the Police Force, will catapult your event into an unprecedented dimension.
Partypolice on duty: The first impressions of 2024

More information at: partypolice
Dini Waelt
10 days
10 weeks
After four albums, Deean is planning his fifth album with original compositions and concerts for the year 2025. Deean's songs reached the Swiss charts, received airplay and were internationally awarded.
Audio samples of Deean's original compositions: listen to Deean's music

Deean's musical career began on a grand piano in a small courtyard in Ascona, where he sat down and started playing on a late summer day. This moment changed his whole life and fulfilled the prophecy of all of his music teachers. His music enlivened Ascona's sleepy streets and more and more people searched for the source of the sounds. The owner of the restaurant recognized Deean's talent and hired him for a month against board and lodging. Every evening the courtyard filled with enthusiastic listeners. After that month, Deean decided on his musical career.To reassure his parents, Deean began studying at the ACM (Academy of Contemporary Music). Deean financed his studies with performances in piano bars all over Switzerland and was therefore very close to the audience from the beginning, learned to recognize the wishes in the eyes of the audience and to respond to them. Over the years as a musician, his career has led him through many successes, but Deean has remained true to his line: "Inspiring the audience is one of my favorite tasks."
Very early on, Deean decided that pure live music was the only true musical fulfillment for him and began to work with musicians, initially with saxophone (Beat Riggenbach) and drums (Roman Roth). After completing his studies (1997, magna cum laude), he built the "Blue Acoustics" recording studio in Dübendorf and composed his debut album "Elements" for two years. He asked Urs Nüssli for the bass recordings - Urs was then a teacher at the ACM. Although they had been in their hair from time to time during Deean's studies, the collaboration was so harmonious that Urs also joined Deean's band. In 2003 Deean met the exceptional talent Edo Leonardi (guitarist, singer) and during the studio work in 2006 he discovered the exceptionally talented guitarist Claudio Cervino. In 2007 the long-time drummer Roman Roth left the band (currently drummer of the internationally famous band "Simply Red") and Remo Borner, a former fellow student at ACM, joined the band. The musicians have honed over 1000 appearances, 600 of them in the existing formation, into a compact formation.PHILOSOPHY
Deean stands for true live music without playbacks. With a lot of experience and love for their instruments, they shine through pure craftsmanship and play the different styles from their hands without tools. They are known for their unique flexibility, because their repertoire includes over 300 songs that they play by heart and use individually and spontaneously with a lot of sensitivity at the right moment without a program list.Wedding ceremony, aperitif or wedding party in the evening, Deean ensures the right atmosphere. Deean also gives your birthday party or your private party that special touch. Deean has the right flair for company & customer events. His repertoire covers many musical styles and dance steps, meaning that the band is perfect for gala, ball & dance events. Deean & Bands credentials are impeccable. Their enthusiasm and love for music is also reflected in projects such as accompanying bands for other artists or choirs, TV shows and in their own compositions and concerts.

Deean's musical career began on a grand piano in a small courtyard in Ascona, where he sat down and started playing on a late summer day. This moment changed his whole life and fulfilled the prophecy of all of his music teachers. His music enlivened Ascona's sleepy streets and more and more people searched for the source of the sounds. The owner of the restaurant recognized Deean's talent and hired him for a month against board and lodging. Every evening the courtyard filled with enthusiastic listeners. After that month, Deean decided on his musical career.To reassure his parents, Deean began studying at the ACM (Academy of Contemporary Music). Deean financed his studies with performances in piano bars all over Switzerland and was therefore very close to the audience from the beginning, learned to recognize the wishes in the eyes of the audience and to respond to them. Over the years as a musician, his career has led him through many successes, but Deean has remained true to his line: "Inspiring the audience is one of my favorite tasks."
Very early on, Deean decided that pure live music was the only true musical fulfillment for him and began to work with musicians, initially with saxophone (Beat Riggenbach) and drums (Roman Roth). After completing his studies (1997, magna cum laude), he built the "Blue Acoustics" recording studio in Dübendorf and composed his debut album "Elements" for two years. He asked Urs Nüssli for the bass recordings - Urs was then a teacher at the ACM. Although they had been in their hair from time to time during Deean's studies, the collaboration was so harmonious that Urs also joined Deean's band. In 2003 Deean met the exceptional talent Edo Leonardi (guitarist, singer) and during the studio work in 2006 he discovered the exceptionally talented guitarist Claudio Cervino. In 2007 the long-time drummer Roman Roth left the band (currently drummer of the internationally famous band "Simply Red") and Remo Borner, a former fellow student at ACM, joined the band. The musicians have honed over 1000 appearances, 600 of them in the existing formation, into a compact formation.PHILOSOPHY
Deean stands for true live music without playbacks. With a lot of experience and love for their instruments, they shine through pure craftsmanship and play the different styles from their hands without tools. They are known for their unique flexibility, because their repertoire includes over 300 songs that they play by heart and use individually and spontaneously with a lot of sensitivity at the right moment without a program list.Wedding ceremony, aperitif or wedding party in the evening, Deean ensures the right atmosphere. Deean also gives your birthday party or your private party that special touch. Deean has the right flair for company & customer events. His repertoire covers many musical styles and dance steps, meaning that the band is perfect for gala, ball & dance events. Deean & Bands credentials are impeccable. Their enthusiasm and love for music is also reflected in projects such as accompanying bands for other artists or choirs, TV shows and in their own compositions and concerts.